A Reminder to Breathe

Worrying hurts you and will get you nowhere. You worry about things that have not happened yet, and you do not know if they will even happen. When you worry, you think about future things. That leads to overthinking, which leads to anxiety and that destroys you. You get physical pains in your chest, and knots in your back that are impossible to get rid of. You then worry about your physical pains and where they came from. You worry about how these pains will affect you. Are you sick? What if you die from these pains? You are just not breathing.

All of these questions come from worry. Worrying will make you anxious.
You were not created to worry. You were created to do. You were created to love.
You were not created to be anxious. Living with anxiety casts you away from your actual life. Your life does not revolve around your worries and your anxious thoughts.

You were created to breathe in and out. When you are anxious, you do not get to breathe. You hold it all in. You hold in your breath when you have no control in what is happening in your life. You were not created to control every little thing that happens to you. That is not your job. Instead, let go and let God. There is no need to preach the obvious, but it is just a reminder-- a reminder to breathe.

The more you breathe, the more you forget about your worry. You remember God gave you life. You remember God gave you the ability to breathe.


